Animated Infographics

We are big fans of infographics here. We’ve been designing and illustrating them for several years. We know how they work. Good infographics tell a story and impart information in a clear and simple way that makes sharing easy. And now we are even more excited (geek apology!) to see how infographics are developing even further.

Just like static infographics, animated versions convey data, information and statistics through a blend of words and images but with the added extra of movement to grab the attention and interest of the viewer.

These animated infographics can be simple or complex. The diagram above is a static section of an infographic we are currently working on. We will be animating each point of the infographic and these separate points will make great ‘sharing snippets’ of the whole infographic. Have a look at this sample here:

Animated Infographic Design in GIF Format

Animated Infographic Design in GIF Format


The data is brought to life and each point is highlighted.  This is just another brilliant way for you to get your point across to your audience. We supply your infographic to you in GIF format and you can upload it to your website or make your tweets come alive. You can see more samples of our infographic design here. If you’d like more information – drop us an email here. We’d love to chat.
Animated Infographic - Why use a Graphic designer?

Animated Infographic – Why use a Graphic designer?